The 7 Secrets

5 July 2022by Miss White0

We know, it’s not that easy to keep your house organized constantly. Some people struggle with the routine, kids, dogs and cats, and long hours of work. All of this, or part of it, is why you feel guilty that your home isn’t tidy.

Miss White made a guide for you with 7 of the most valuable tips to change that, and feel happier at home, without so much day-to-day mess. Because one of the best feelings in the world is when you come home and everything looks clean and organized.

  1. Clothes scattered around the room. Get everything and put at the basket. Leave at laundry. Even if you aren’t washing today, put everything in the same place (preferable laundry). When you remove piles of accumulated clothes from your field of vision it creates a feeling of comfort around you. Do you have kids? You can include them to help you but make this a fun thing.
  2. The big kitchen’s secret: never leave the dishes inside the sink or on top surfaces. Use your dishwasher as cupboard for dirty dishes. Every time you use something (cups, plates, lids) put inside. When your dishwasher is full, press the button! Stop waking up with your kitchen full of dirty dishes all around.
  3. One tip to transform your closet: roll up everything you have in drawers. T-shirts, pants, you can fold them into rolls and with this you have much more space and can find the things easier. When you have clothes in piles, and you want the last one in the pile, boom!, you’ve  already ruined your drawer. But jeans, hang them up.
  4. A simple tip for your cupboard being always organized, make stacks with cups. You can have more space for more cups instead of having several parts of your cupboard with cups scattered all over the place.
  5. Cleaning products. You need to have some at home. After the Covid this is one thing we start to care about, and yes, keeping your place clean and disinfected is important. You don’t need to buy many types, but one of surfaces, one floor cleaning and glasses/windows cleaning. That’s it. Organize under the sink, it’s easy to use day-by-day, or in your laundry room.
  6. Papers and documents. If you don’t have time right now to organize everything, just put into a box or big envelope, and organize after. Remember: surfaces, tables, without many things give you the feeling of organization. Also remember: one day you will need to have a look in those papers. Tip: you can buy expanding files folder, so you can separate documents, bills, contracts, etc.
  7. Your life can be made easier with accessories. Boxes, basket, containers, all this stuff makes your routine much better. Boxes can help you to organize papers in the office, or cosmetics in the bathroom. Containers helps you to see better what you have in your storage. Baskets and lids can be your best friend with children’s toys.

Also, unfortunately you are not a superwoman or a superman (Are you?). Sometimes you need help, that’s ok! And you can ask for it. Talk to your children’s, husband, wife, make your family a circle of support for you. And remember, Miss White is here for you too, 6 days per week, cleaning many different places, organizing houses, offices, with the best quality and commitment. Book now someone to help you. 🙂

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