About Us

Who are we?

Imagine arriving home, the whole house has been deep cleaned, it’s shining, smelling good and organise… This is what we do. Our mission, as a company, is giving you peace of mind in providing a cleaning service that allows you to enjoy your time to relax after a long day. We are not just cleaning, we are saving your valuable time. How do we do it? Connecting the best cleaners with our clients like you! Our platform mixes state-of-the-art technology with hard workers, full of dreams and good energy.
Skills? Don’t worry we provide!


How It Works

How It Works

Choose the best date for you. Choose the time for a visit. Pay online. Fast. Easy. Comfortable!

Our organization is extremely important to us, even if, we are not Marie Kondo
Our team also offer the service of a personal organizer who can help you re-organise your life, routine and wardrobe. Inquire for more details.

Cleaning is our expertise. If your house needs a deep clean, spring cleaning, or End of Lease, Miss White is the best option for you!


You can have one Miss White in your house in 24h*. Check our terms and conditions.

And you can book for just one-part of your house to be cleaned. So, if you need a hand with your kitchen, or a deep clean of your bathroom. Just book your time and specify what are the most important things for us to do on our visit.

We can also take care of your Laundry and ironing.

We Are The Solution For You

Enjoy Your Day

When you put us in charge of taking care of your home, you will have the time to enjoy your family, kids, exercise, spending time with friends or even just the simple pleasure of doing nothing at all. Miss White will be your best mate, your best partner, your best way to save your time for doing things that really matter to you.

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to help you
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200 cleaners to help you
200 cleaners to help you
Everything you need is arrive home and have some peace. You can’t buy peace in a bottle but you can buy some hours with Miss White, and we can provide peace for your place! After a long week of work, you feel low battery, don’t you?
GUIDE Cleaning Marble
GUIDE Cleaning Marble
Famous since the Roman Empire, marble is one of the most versatile and luxurious items you can have in your home. You can have it in coffee table, sculptures, floors, surfaces. But one of the scariest things people do cleaning it up undamaged. Miss White made a super guide for you, so you can clean yourself in an emergency or leave it with us, the cleaning service experts 😉
EOL – End Of Lease
EOL – End Of Lease
We can guarantee our service to you, everything in the house will be sparkling clean and looking like new as before. In addition, if the real state complains about the cleaning service, we give you a free visit after job. The visit must to be within the first 24h after the job is carried out.
The 7 Secrets
The 7 Secrets
We know, it’s not that easy to keep your house organized constantly. Some people struggle with the routine, or kids, dogs and cats, and many hours working. All of this or part of is the reason you blame for your home doesn’t keep being organized.

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